• Enlisting in the United States Navy at 17, I helmed a warship before I ever drove a car.

  • I have an undergraduate degree in Modeling and Simulation Engineering and I am pursuing on and off both a Master’s degree in liberal arts from the great books school St. John’s College in Annapolis and a Master’s degree in Financial Technology from The University of Connecticut.

  • I run an educational non-profit Experimental Philosophy which combines historical reenactment and readings from classical texts to immerse students in history and philosophy.

  • I occasionally make wine, usually from fruits other than grapes. Commonly blueberries but also peaches, cranberries and strawberries.

  • I have a love affair with opera that began when I was in high school and heard Manowar perform their metal cover of the aria Nessun Dorma from the opera Turandot by Puccini. You can listen to it here.